is Chair of the Department
of Political Science at California
State University, Los Angeles. From 1996 to 2004 he
was Associate Dean in the Graduate
School of American Studies at Doshisha
University in Kyoto, Japan. He has also taught at universities in Ukraine and Russia.
Prof. Dark is the author of The
Unions and the Democrats: An Enduring Alliance
(Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999) and has published
articles in Party Politics, Political Science Quarterly,
Polity, Presidential Studies Quarterly, The National Interest,
New Political Science, Interest Groups & Advocacy Journal of Labor Research, Labor History, International
Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, and PS:
Political Science and Politics.
He also maintains the world's most comprehensive online list of political songs.
Dr. Dark embraces the spirit of Revolutionary War General William Darke, who was "often a member of the Virginia legislature, and, in the convention of 1788, voted for the Federal Constitution."

-- March 2022: Video interview on KCBS Los Angeles on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
-- June 2018: New article on unions and presidential access.
--June 2018: Quoted in an article in Time magazine on the recent Janus Supreme Court decision.
-- March 2016: Oxford report on overseas voting builds on my earlier work on the political participation of Americans abroad.
-- July 2014: Former NASA Chief Historian Roger Launius discusses my essay on space.

Books for Purchase
My book on unions and
the Democratic party, published
in 2001 by Cornell University Press. |
Contains a chapter
labor unions in the presidential nominating process.
This volume (2008) contains an essay about labor unions
in American elections. |

The Societal Impact of Spaceflight, edited by Steven Dick and
Roger Launius (NASA, 2008).
This volume has an essay on American ideas
about space travel.
My mother's book on
"Fabulous Parties." |